Hiking shoes, sneakers, wellies, good shoes, may-get-dirty shoes, Crocs of course 😅, running shoes, shoe shoes… just shoes everywhere 🤯
I have already seen many approaches:
- Loose in the footwell
- Stacks of shoe boxes in the trunk
- a whole box of shoes
I had always just thrown them in shoe bags somewhere in the cupboard… 🙄 not so convincing either!
The idea came to me at the Caravon Salon and a few A searches later, I was full of zest for action: I’m now using the “dead” space 😎
-small digression-
For a long time, we only drove with a bulkhead board because sometimes it’s just practical to be able to reach into the back… but since we had a visit from the couch in the cockpit on our Scotland tour, because suddenly the road was no longer there and we had to stop quickly, safety has once again come to the fore 😇
☝️ by the way: Load securing is also a point on our driver safety training course!
Oh yes… shoes 😅🤭
I’ll keep it short: both bulkhead boards equal four shoe places
One thing first:
The shoe holders look really cheap and not very promising… but:
That’s deceptive! I am all the more positively surprised – especially after our last trip to Scandinavia, where we didn’t exactly only drive on good roads!
The holders themselves only have a – relatively – tiny adhesive pad where they can snap into place and then hang anything but straight – at least without shoes… 😅🙈

But as I said, it just holds! Whatever the reason and however it holds 🥳
I know what I’ve just written doesn’t really speak for these holders… but: I’m more than positively surprised that they just stay in place and the shoes simply have a fixed place and don’t fly around somewhere. The cupboard doors open wide enough without any problems and what I see as dead space is really put to good use 💁♀️

…to make your research easier 😇 here is Jeff’s department store link: https://amzn.to/3SAuV84