Tidiness in the Grand California – additional storage space

“Too clean for the laundry?
Too dirty for the closet?
Welcome to the chair!”

We’ve all been there… where to put the laundry that has already been worn but is still clean?

We have now replaced the classic “laundry chair” with a shelf that simply clicks into place under the tall units.

But it’s not just laundry that can be stored there, all kinds of small items can also be stored quickly and easily.

The shelf adds less than ten centimeters at the bottom, you should be a little more conscious of turning over in bed at first, but you get used to it very quickly.

We offer the shelving ready for assembly including aluminum bars.
These are cut to the maximum shelf length, but can also be shortened to the desired length as required.

Alternatively, you can just order the holders from us and get the poles yourself… 😉


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The shelves are available here

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