Unfortunately, many of you know that Grand California has a water problem – in other words, incalculence.
If it is not the roof or the brake light that is the culprit, then the culprit is often the outside shower or the washbasin in the bathroom or its tap. Leaks there are usually caused by frost damage that occurs over the winter. The reason for this is that the water system has not been completely drained. The expansion of the water during freezing causes cracks and leaks.
These problems usually occur in spring during the first tour – exactly when you don’t need them. Okay, when can you need it? But I think you know what I’m trying to say.
Once a water leak has occurred, your vacation can quickly be over.
A repair, especially of the bathroom tap, is time-consuming and cannot be done just like that, as the entire washbasin has to be dismantled. The silicone joints must also be removed and then replaced.
To solve the problem and at least stop the water leak, the water distributor comes into play. Actually, I should say the water distributors, because there are two of them.
One for cold water and one for hot water. Both are mounted in the lower section of the bathroom cabinet.

So this is what they look like. Perhaps a little confusing at first glance, but actually not so bad.
As the color suggests, the front water distributor is for hot water and the rear one for cold water.
Now you surely want to know which line is for what, right? Let’s proceed in order:
Hot water pipes from left to right:
- Hot water outdoor shower
- Hot water sink
- Hot water supply from the heating boiler
- Hot water bathroom shower
Cold water pipes from left to right:
- Cold water outdoor shower
- Cold water sink
- Inflow of cold water from the tank
- Cold water bathroom shower
- Cold water toilet
Since we now know which pipe supplies which tapping point, we can seal it relatively easily in an emergency.
You will need pliers, a combination wrench, a blind plug and Teflon tape.
You can see what the whole thing looks like in this video:
I forgot to mention one important thing in the video: The water system must of course be empty when you disconnect a hose. Otherwise, the entire contents of the pipe or, in the worst case, the tank will run through the water distributor into the cabinet. ALWAYS EMPTY THE SYSTEM!
In an emergency, there is no better option for me personally.
A possible leak is fixed super quickly and the water system is still fully available – apart from the defective tapping point, of course.
We have put together an emergency kit if you are interested.