The switches in the Grand California – conversion to anthracite

So regardless of the color concept… what is the color of the light switches?
gray, silver, chrome, indefinable, …?!

So at least in our eyes it needs to be optimized… 🤷‍♀️

Now you could go to the trouble of removing all the switches to paint them…
But that’s not actually necessary! The manufacturer even offers these switches in anthracite!

The original shape of the frames is completely square and straight, the frames of our choice have a soft, slightly curved shape and therefore blend in more smoothly. They are very easy to pull off the switches and push back on again, and can be supported by a lever tool made of plastic can be used as a support.

The sockets, USB sockets and – depending on the equipment – the satellite connection are already black ex works and do not need to be replaced.

For the total of three rocker switches – four in the case of models that already have the outside switch for the bathroom light – a screwdriver must indeed be used 🤭 …but that’s not rocket science either, the switch itself is fastened with four screws, on the back there are two or three screws, depending on the switch, with which the cables are fixed. These must be swapped 1 to 1 – do not mix them up! ☝️-, then the new switch can be screwed tight again. Done 😊

Depending on the equipment, the following are required:

Rocker switch:
– without ambient light: 2 rocker switches, 1 double rocker switch
– with ambient light: 1 rocker switch, 2 double rocker switches
– bathroom light with switch: 1 additional rocker switch

– 1-seater: Dinette bench seat, bed (600 only), bathroom light (depending on model)
– 2-seater: Refrigerator, trunk
– 3-seater: Kitchen, outside connection

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