Refrigerator cleaning

Some love it, many hate it, the refrigerator in the Grand California. I guess it’s really not practical unless you need a new drink outside, but it looks fancy. 😌 Similarly, as in some places, it is unfortunately not clear from the user manual whether and how the fridge can be cleaned.

But Volkswagen provides us with some real good wisdom in return:

The refrigerator is not suitable for cooling or heating the interior of the vehicle. Only use the refrigerator for cooling food or transporting heat-sensitive goods for short periods.

But now seriously, the compartments and the drawer can be cleaned with a rag without any problem. But if a mishap happens to you, as it did to me, that a can of Coke gets knocked open at the sharp edges in the refrigerator, spreading the contents inside, it’s not enough to clean out the drawer. After all, it is quite possible that dirt or, as in my case, liquid also runs under the drawer. If you now take a look at the user manual, hoping that it might tell you how to remove the drawer to clean the fridge properly, you will be disappointed. Volkswagen’s hacks don’t say a word on this point.

In the following video we will show you how to remove the pullout completely easily and quickly. Maybe it’s not in the manual because it’s too simple.


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