Oil change, but affordable – macOIL

We are fans of frequent oil changes…
VW recommends an oil change every 30,000 kilometers.
This then costs around 550 euros.
If you bring your own oil, you can already save money, because then it only costs around 290 euros, plus oil, which you can buy and bring with you for ten euros per liter.

But if this is still too expensive for you and you can’t or don’t want to do it yourself, you can fall back on macOil for an unbeatable 125 euros full service.

At macOil, you don’t just get new oil and filter, the guys also enter the change in the digital service booklet and reset the service indicator.
The interval can even be adjusted at the customer’s request, for example to 15,000 kilometers, as we do now.

The oil change at macOil has no influence on the Volkswagen factory warranty, which therefore remains fully valid!

You can go there spontaneously without an appointment.
Leaving aside the queuing – it’s helpful to pay attention to Google’s peak times so as not to catch the rush hour – if you’re standing on the pit, the whole procedure takes just a quarter of an hour and you don’t even have to get out of the car, you can watch live on TV what’s happening under your car.

But ☝️ before you drive to the next branch… You should definitely find out about the clearance height in advance, we only drove out backwards again in Düsseldorf 😅

… changing the oil must be one of your hobbies if you’re still getting your hands dirty… 😉

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