A clean Cali is a good Cali 🥰
Womowasch is a database with addresses of car washes and self-service car washes with ladders, steps or scaffolding.
Even if we provide you with the addresses of car washes, we would strongly recommend that you do not use them or only use them in exceptional cases.
Machine washing is generally not as clean as hand washing and this is very annoying for what is usually a high price.
However, the main argument is your windows, which suffer and get scratched in the car washes.
We have put together a few tips for washing in the wash box.
The Cali and the wallet are happy about this decision 😇
Take the two hours and save yourself a trip to the gym 🥳
Car wash – Part 1 Introduction and basic equipment
Introduction We would like to start a small series on the subject of vehicle and motorhome care. For us, care is the be-all and end-all,