now in English & Swedish

We have looked at our user numbers once in the past weeks and also already thanked on Instagram for it, at this point again thank you for more than 50,000 views. 🤯

We noticed that most visitors come from Germany, England and Sweden. WOW, England and Sweden?! Not one of our pages is translated. Some probably use the Google Translater to get a small overview of what we write. This is really great, thank you so much!

To make it a bit easier for our friends from England and Sweden, you can now have the page translated automatically. We have chosen the translation service of Weglot. Weglot is a world leader in website translation and what we read makes sense 😍.

Feel free to give us feedback on how well or poorly the translation works. But how can the whole thing be started in the first place?

Start translation

  1. You choose your country flag in the dropdown menu
  2. You can access our homepage directly in your national language, for English use and for Swedish

One last thing, the translation via Weglot is limited, if there are too many calls, the translation function may not be available and you will still get the page displayed in German. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided at the moment, since the business rate we chose already costs 25 Euros per month. The next bigger one would already cost 50 euros. But please be patient: Every month there is a new contingent and sooner or later all contributions will be translated…

In this sense: Thank you / Tack Tack 🇬🇧 🇸🇪

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