Last weekend it was time for the Grand California spring meeting in Volkmarsen. Our first meeting in the Cali and we should land directly a direct hit. We already knew that Grand California drivers have to be different from other campers, but we didn’t expect it to be so fun and great.
A total of 20 Grand California from all parts of Germany found their way to the meeting at the parking lot “Unter dem scharfen Stein”, a motley crew.
Especially after the last two years and the current events it was really good to meet and talk shop with others. Just clear your head a bit. We raved and complained about joys and sorrows with the Grand California, laughed, grooved and drank a beer or two.
After the pandemic years, we really really appreciated this experience and hope for a follow-up meeting, heck, a regular repeat of the meeting. Maybe then the Grand California family will get a little bigger.
At this point a very big thank you for organizing the chance meeting to Michaela and Marcus, who planned and organized everything from front to back, even sun was delivered as ordered.
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