Gadget Day – Ooono

The forbidden gadget, well almost. One part of the Ooonos may not be used in Germany, this is the function that warns you of speed cameras. I think that most people know that these devices or apps are not allowed. It looks no different with our European neighbors, virtually everywhere these apps and devices are banned. You can also find a good overview of this topic on the ADAC website. In addition to speed cameras, Ooono can also warn us of dangerous spots, such as the end of a traffic jam.

The function in detail

Ooono consists essentially of two components:

  • The Ooono app on the smartphone
  • The Ooono “Beeper

Only with the two components the whole system works correctly. The function is relatively simple.

The app installed on the smartphone has a database of speed cameras and danger spots. The data is provided by users of the Ooonos and the platform. The app knows where the user is located and can warn of dangers accordingly. The highlight of the story and also the decisive advantage over “normal” speed camera / hazard apps is that the user of Ooono no longer has to start an app when getting into the car. The smartphone connects to the Ooono beeper automatically via Bluetooth, if you now approach a danger zone, a beep sounds from the Ooono. As in this example:

Ooono has two different warnings:

  • Long distance between tones, with red flashing light, represents a danger zone.
  • Short interval between tones, with blue flashing light, represents a speed camera.

Ooono App

Before Ooono is ready to use, you need the appropriate app, which is free, as described above.

For Apple click HERE, for Android click HERE.

App overview

Once you have completed the initial setup of the app, you will be able to see all the notifications near you on a map.

Under the “My devices” tab, you can see the Ooonos connected to your account and which one is currently connected to your smartphone. A small battery symbol shows the current charge level of the CR2450 button cell.

In the app’s settings, there are several options for individualization, including the distance from a danger zone at which a warning should be issued.

In the video you can see a demo message of a speed camera and how it appears directly in the database of the app. Ooono also differentiates between danger spots and speed cameras in the messages posted by the user. Short press, approx. 3 seconds, signals a speed camera, long press, approx. 5. seconds, signals a danger zone.

Car mounting

The Ooono has two adhesive strips on the back, with which it can be easily attached in the car.

What costs the fun and where gibbet the part?

Apart from offers, which are available from time to time, the normal price is around 50 euros. We bought our Ooono from Amazon.


Please note that the use of speed camera warning devices is prohibited in Germany and may result in severe penalties. Use as a hazard warning device is of course permitted.

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