Gadget Day – Mosquito lamp with solar

In summer, and especially near bodies of water, we are visited and bitten by various little pests without any mercy. Outside, you can still protect yourself quite effectively with Autan and long clothing, but mosquitoes and the like also find a way inside your camper. It feels like it’s enough to have the mosquito net open for 0.1 second and one or two insects have already made their way inside. As soon as you lie in bed, this bright buzzing noise starts and robs you of your sleep. If you haven’t sprayed yourself completely with Autan before going to bed, which wouldn’t be very good for the cleanliness of the bed linen, you have to go out and search for and kill the insects. That’s exactly what we did with our Cali in the first summer, turned on the light and hunted insects.

Our salvation, the mosquito lamp

By pure chance, we passed a mosquito lamp during a shopping trip in Holland, at Obelink. Normally, I’m the type first check on the Internet rating and compare. However, the lamp looked reasonable and was reduced to 15 euros at the time of our visit. That’s when we struck and started our first summer camping night with absolutely no expectations.

If you have no expectations, you can not be disappointed

And what can we say, this little thing just works incredibly well and we had a super peaceful night’s sleep. Not so the insects and even mosquitoes, because the lamp really was the end of the line for them.

Since that evening, we switch the lamp on just before we go to bed and place it on the front of the table. The result can be seen in the picture.

A few technical features should not be missing

The lamp has a “mosquito LED” which glows purple or bluish, this is to attract the animals in the dark camper and signals you that there is power on the wire mesh inside the lamp.

In addition to the mosquito function, there is also a normal white LED on the top, which can be adjusted in three stages and can also be used as a lamp.

What is super practical is that the whole thing can be charged via a mini USB port. We have not yet been able to determine exactly how long the battery life is, we use the lamp almost exclusively in mosquito mode and have charged it every two days.

Manufacturer information
  • Mosquito lamp: 30 hours
  • Illumination: depending on level, 100% 4 hours, 50% 8 hours, 20% 20 hours
  • Charging time: approx. 3 hours
  • Battery: 1000 mAh
  • Rainproof according to IPX6
  • USB charging with USB cable
  • Weight: 0.21kg

In the meantime, there is even a new version, which has a small solar panel:

Here you get the lamp

The lamp is currently available from Camping Wagner and in the solar version from Amazon . We would be happy if you order a lamp via our link and thus pay us a small commission, which helps us with the server costs.

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