Chemistry for camping toilet

How to introduce this πŸ’© topic properly, difficult question. But there’s no getting around it, we had already mentioned in our post The bathroom in the van that we exclusively use the toilet in our Grand California when we’re on the road. We didn’t even test it without chemicals, because separating solid and liquid is just as out of the question as not disposing of dirty toilet paper down the toilet. Many do just that and then do well without any kind of chemistry.

Last year, we were able to test several toilet additives, including one or two organic products. As of today, we are fans of the Dometic Tabs. The effect is very good with the tabs especially in the summer, even after two days there is no odor nuisance, that was completely different especially with the Bio Tabs. Here we had the feeling that already on the same day the smell has become unpleasant. Likewise, the decomposition was not really good, we had the impression that it would probably have been the same without tabs.

The topic of the environment is often raised in forums and we would like to express our opinion here. Environmental protection and motorhome driving are generally in stark contrast. Everyone should be well aware that this is a really dirty hobby. Of course, as in any area of life, you can and should keep your footprint as small as possible.

Disposing of camping toilets in nature is already a no-go with organic additives, with chemical additives it becomes an absolute disaster. Actually all chemical additives are extremely harmful to all aquatic organisms and carcinogenic to humans, among others, if swallowed. This circumstance is not to be trifled with and there can be no two opinions on the subject.

We are aware of the problem, but if a camping toilet is disposed of correctly, the wastewater can be cleaned by a sewage treatment plant. Of course, this still puts a strain on the system. Please note that in Norway and Sweden, for example, there are more often disposal points that are not connected to a sewage system and sit on septic tanks. Chemical toilets must not be disposed of here under any circumstances because of the environmental damage.

Please be sure to dispose of it correctly!!!!!

So if you use common sense and dispose of your toilet correctly via the sewer system, you’re not doing anything wrong.

The best option is to use no chemistry, but you have to be a fan of that.

Those who are currently looking for chemicals or organic additives for their camping toilet are often disappointed. The supply bottlenecks do not stop at this area either. We found a dealer on Ebay that sells the Dometic tabs in units of 100. So if you are looking for a seasonal stock and still want to save a few euros, this offer is certainly super:

Image 1 - Dometic Power Care Tabs bucket 100 pcs.

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