The lovely tall cabinet handles of the Grand California

The handles on the tall cupboards in the Grand California are undoubtedly one of the biggest weak points, and Volkswagen has not touched them in the facelift either, leaving the handles unchanged.

The handles are made of plastic and are therefore practically a wearing part, because at some point the moment comes when the plastic gives way and the handles break. This fact would actually be bearable if it weren’t for the price of the handles. VW wants just under 40 euros for ONE handle, why the top and bottom are different, well, only someone in Hanover can answer that.

Thanks to Christian’s design, we are now able to offer the handles exclusively in our store. The handles differ from the factory ones in two ways, firstly they do not have two small hooks on the inside, there is a large one in the middle and best of all, they are available in different colors.

You can now order replacement grips from our online store, one grip costs 14.99 euros and is made from PETG on the 3D printer. But even here we couldn’t change the fact that PETG will eventually wear out and it is a wearing part. In another approach, we had considered making the handles from metal, but we rejected this idea for cost reasons. We think we have created a good alternative to the original spare part.

If you have any questions, just leave a comment 🙂

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